Saturday, April 29, 2006


I don't blog much, as one can see by the posts I've made. But since Eden linked to this blog on her entry, I thought I'd at least write something new. And I'm not pissed off at the present moment, which is the usual state I'm in when I blog. Hence the title of this blog. When very pissed off, I'll point my index finger and begin my rant with "Now look...".

I've just moved the computer and computer desk from our "dining room" to our "fireplace room". This involved taking the computer desk out the front door and around the house to the back door (which is a French door). The computer desk is too wide to fit through the interior doorways. Thank the maker for owning a wheelbarrow upon which the computer desk rode as I started this endevour at 10:30pm. We will be selling our house and need to actually make the dining room just that a dining room even though most people don't ever use a dining room for dining. So, the computer had to be moved. And I'm not very tired at present, so why not blog as I've had enough of working on the house at 1am. And maybe blogging will be theraputic for me. Beats seeing a shrink.

As those of you who read Eden's blog, you know that we are in the midst of trying to get the house in shape before putting it on the market before the big move back home to "Bumblefuck", as Eden affectionately calls it. It's where we are from and our ties to the area have remained very strong. I've always been asked by those back home if I'd ever move back. So far, since graduating high school nearly 18 years ago, I've lived in 11 different towns/cities. Some of these places were as a student, but I was there long enough to get a feel for the community and became familiar with the local happenings. Long enough to get the instinct whether the place was somewhere I could envision staying the rest of my life. The longest place I've lived during that time has been the Erie area and it is the closest to feeling at home as I've had since going off to college. I guess that's the main reason we stayed here in the Erie area over the past 10 years. Both Eden and I view the year we lived in Colorado a few years ago like a very long vacation, a sabbatical in a way. It wasn't the place for us although it seemed at first like it could have been. It was time for a change for us.

But in the end, Erie just doesn't have the feel of being the place to be for the rest of our days. We have many reasons for moving back to "Bumblefuck", namely needing to help with the care for aging, ailing parents. I'm sure we'll be frustrated by the antics of Jed and Bets. And Scooter will certainly make things interesting. Always some sort of drama going on. But the interaction with family for the younglings is something that they won't forget as the grow up and have kids of their own. Neither Eden or I had much of that. And I'd hate to have the younglings miss out on knowning their relatives. Really getting to know them. Sure, I'd see relatives every now and then. But they are like strangers to me in the end. Of course I'm sure Jed drove them away with his antics, which seems to be his MO. I'm sure I'll run across relatives often at the new job, and I'm sure I won't recognize them.

In the end, Bumblefuck and Erie aren't that different. Probably an unconscious conclusion years ago but now just entering my consciousness. Physically, there are differences. The people are basically the same. And the ecomony sucks in both areas. Healthcare is the biggest employer followed by colleges. But family and friends, who are as close or even closer than family, are there. I'll miss much about Erie and the people I've known and worked with over the past 10 years. But as Eden put it months ago, it's time to move back. And, time to realize that Bumblefuck is where we want to spend the rest of our days.


Blogger Stephanie said...

He's also amazing in bed!

11:18 AM  
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